New Delhi: Praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi Home Minister Rajnath Singh said that diamantaires Nirav Modi and Mehul Choksi, and liquor baron Vijay Mallya fled the India when Modi government came to power as they had realised that he is alert chowkidar.
During election campaign, Singh slammed the Congress for handing out loans to "such people" during its tenure. In a bid to corner the opposition the Singh further slammed them for blaming the BJP government of helping the fugitives to escape and added that it was the NDA government which passed a special law to deal with economic offenders.
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Home Minister said, “Rs 18 lakh crore were given as loans to the public from 1947 to 2008. It was the Congress government which gave loans to these fugitive economic offenders.”
Singh said that UPA government was in power from 2008 till 2014 and they doled out Rs 52 lakh crore as loans, said Singh and stressed that all those who "robbed" Indian banks will be brought back to the country.
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Attacking Congress president Rahul Gandhi’s NYAY scheme Rajnath said that there was nothing new in this promise. He said, Indira Gandhi gave ‘garibi hatao’ slogan and became the PM after that Rajiv Gandhi came and now Rahul is making the same promise of uprooting poverty, said Singh.
Songh also Praised PM Modi for taking action against Pakistan after Pulwama terror attack Singh said that every country including the US backed the airstrikes in Balakot.