Now 11 Crore Mobile Handset were Locally Made
Now 11 Crore Mobile Handset were Locally Made

Local manufacturing has been encouraged  during last budget session in which 16 new plants set up for making mobile phones locally during the financial year.

 Telecom and IT minister Ravishanker Prasad informed that Rationalisation of duty structure for making mobile ophones has lead to doubling of the \number of phones make in India, from 5.4 crore in 2014-15 to 11 crore units in 2015-16.

Prasad said, “Due to the initiatives taken up in the last budget, especially duty rationalization, we have notice a remarkable acceleration in the field of electronics manufacturing. “ Adding in this he said that electronics manufacturing proposal worth Rs. 1,290 crore were received till date, up from Rs. 11,800 crore in June 2014, when government came to power, “Proposals worth Rs. 18,000 crore have been approved.     

Welcoming the new proposals of duty advantage of8.5% to routers, broadband modems and set top boxes, digital video recorder and CCTV cameras among other products in the Union Budget, the minister said the move will give a boost to the telecom sector, which uses many of these products. 

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