Government claimed, country became free from open defecation
Government claimed, country became free from open defecation

New Delhi: One of the most ambitious schemes of the Prime Minister is the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The government aimed to make the country completely free from defecation under this campaign. Now the Department of Sanitation under the Ministry of Waterpower of the Central Government has made a big claim about this. The department said that the country has achieved this goal. According to the information received from the ministry, its grand success will be held on October 2 on the Sabarmati coast of Ahmedabad as a celebration.

To achieve this ultimate goal, the Ministry had set the date of August 31 for 100% target after 99.96%. In this only the states of Orissa and Goa were to achieve the target. In which 30 lakh toilets were to be built in Orissa. While these toilets were to be built in 180 panchayats in Goa. A ministry official said that both states have achieved this target.

Despite this, the Ministry has issued advisories to the states, if they have a need, they can build more toilets. Because the Ministry believes that the construction of toilets is a necessity. So people still have the opportunity to build toilets. Over 100 million toilets have been built across the country from 2014 to 31 August 2019. However, what is the ground reality of this government's claim is a question.

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