Odisha Spl Task Force seize a live pangolin, arrests one
Odisha  Spl Task Force seize a live pangolin, arrests one

BHUBANESWAR: Odisha police's Special Task Force (STF) seized a live pangolin and detained a wildlife criminal in Bolangir district on Wednesday, officials said.

"STF seized/ saved one live pangolin near Baragaon, Balangir, with the help of Balangir forest officials. One of the accused was taken into custody. More research is being carried out "The special task force informed via Twitter.

On Tuesday, the task force squad raided the road near Baragoan Chhaka in the Deogoan police station of Bolangir district and rescued the pangolin, according to police officials. The pangolin was then given over to the DFO in Bolangir for safekeeping, according to the police.

The accused, Ajit Kumar Budek of the same district, has been handed over to Bolangir forest officers for further legal action. The task group has confiscated 10 live pangolins and 16 kilogramme pangolin scales over the last year, as well as wildlife criminals involved in the illegal trade.

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