The micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of Odisha are now facing at huge losses and may lose out on big players with the mandate rule by the State government, of procurement through government e-marketplace (GeM). The MSME sector which was worst hit by the pandemic is now facing threat in the form of GeM.
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The Central Governmnet is encouraging ‘vocal for local’ to promote local products, GeM by the state government may leads closure of many units due to the difficulty in competing with big traders and entrepreneurs already registered with the GeM. “While there are a lot of technical glitches in the GeM portal which creates problem for MSMEs to get registered, many will be deprived of facilities extended to manufacturers as it facilitates mostly big traders,” pointed out Satwik Swain, secretary general of Odisha Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises (OASME).
Several MSME associations have demanded the government to create Odisha specific portal so that only buyers and sellers of the State can be registered and do business. At least 88 products are procured from MSME units for a value of around `300 crore. The entrepreneurs have threatened to launch an agitation if the government fails to reverse its decision.
Rs. Telangana government is distributing 72 crore software licenses to MSME