Lions are considered as wildest species on Earth, due to their aggravative and enthusiast character. Actually, we humans are much interested in new wonders of the world.
World's oldest women in the world are listed which were of nearly 116-117years of age. This news is common to us, amazing news is, a lioness named 'Zenda' is the America's oldest lioness.
Philadelphia Zoo in America has a America's oldest African lioness. Zenda is 25 years old, whereas the average life span of lions is only up to 18-20 years. Due to her excess age she had lost the capability of moving. Zoo officials help her for everything related to mobility and feeding.
Whereas the average life span of lions is only up to 18-20 years. Zenda arrived at Philadelphia zoo at the age of 2 in 1993 and now she had spent 23 years in this zoo.
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