OMG! The regular use of painkillers is dangerous! Shocking revelation in the study
OMG! The regular use of painkillers is dangerous! Shocking revelation in the study

As soon as there is a problem of body pain ie body pain, be it women, men or children, all take painkillers to get relief. However, you might not know that taking painkillers indiscriminately without consulting a doctor can prove to be fatal for our health. Yes, according to a new study conducted on 70 thousand women, daily consumption of painkillers can promote ear problems in women. Let us tell you that in a conduct study by researchers from Birmingham and Women's Hospital, America, it was found that women who use painkillers indiscriminately are 20 percent more likely to have tinnitus (a problem related to the ear) than normal.

Not only this, the study's lead author Dr. Sharon Karhan says that, 'Our study suggests that people who use analgesics have a higher risk of tinnitus.' This study has been published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. Along with this, the names of anti-inflammatory drugs like NSAIDs and Aleve have also been mentioned in addition to painkillers like Advil and Tylenol. According to the upcoming study, even taking aspirin dosages six or seven times a week can increase the risk of tinnitus by 20 percent. On the other hand, experts say that it will be important to know whether avoiding pain-relieving drugs reduces the symptoms of tinnitus or not?

There is no such claim in the study that medicines like paracetamol cannot be taken for cold, hangover, sprain or toothache. Let us tell you that this study only points towards the daily or continuous use of painkillers. There is no problem with occasional use of painkillers. According to estimates by the British Tinnitus Association in the year 2018, around 6 million people in the UK suffer from ear problems ( ringing, humming, throbbing). Whereas this number has increased. Let us tell you that about 10 percent of the population of Britain is affected by this.

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