When snake bit him, the man bit snake on the contrary... Snake Dead!
When snake bit him, the man bit snake on the contrary... Snake Dead!

Bhubaneswar: A shocking case has come to light from the Jajpur district of Odisha. Where a man avenged being bitten by a snake and the snake died. In fact, a 45-year-old man was bitten by a snake, in response, the man attacked the snake and bit it, the man survived and the snake died.

A man named Kishore Badra was returning from the farm in the Danagarhi area of Jajpur district when he was bitten on the leg by a snake on Wednesday night. The teenager immediately caught hold of the snake and bit it. According to the teenager, 'Kiss something in my leg at night when I was coming home. I tried the flashlight, so the snake was on my leg. I grabbed the snake by the hand and bit it constantly, the snake died there.'

The teenager brought the dead snake to his house and narrated the whole incident to his wife. Soon the news spread like fire all over the village and everyone started discussing it. People advised the teenager to go to a nearby hospital immediately, however, he refused to go to the hospital, he went to a traditional reformer. However, it was a matter of fact that Kishore Badra was not affected by the snake bite.

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