Number of patients crosses 5000 corona cases in Pakistan
Number of patients crosses 5000 corona cases in Pakistan

Lahore: So far 5,030 corona infects have been confirmed here amidst the ongoing lockdown across Pakistan, of which half of the cases have been reported from Punjab province alone. Planning, Development and Special Initiatives Minister Asad Umar has told the media that the government is losing one-third of its revenue. Due to the epidemic, exports have decreased by 50 percent.

According to Dawn News report, he said that the government will decide on Monday whether the lockdown should be increased after April 15 or its restrictions should be relaxed. Omar said on Saturday, "Compared to the different predictions, the number of deaths has been recorded somewhat less. However, till last few weeks the number of patients on ventilator was less which has gone up to 50 on Saturday."

At least eight more corono virus-infected patients died on Saturday, after which the total number of deaths here has risen to 86. The minister has informed the media that 144 billion PKR will be provided to 12 million families under the AASHA Emergency Cash Program (EECP). This is the biggest relief package in the history of the country.

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