Pakistan said India is "in search to hide behind a photograph".
Pakistan said India is

NEW DELHI: After India knock down Pakistan at the UN yesterday for waving around a fake photo of alleged atrocities in Kashmir, Pakistan said India is "in search to hide behind a photograph".

"Raking up picture can't hide India's war crimes in occupied Kashmir," said Tipu Usman, a counselor at Pakistan's everlasting mission to the UN, to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on Monday. He tweeted his address and posted an outline of it on Facebook.

Usman's comment came after India exposed the fact that Pakistan on Saturday used a photo of an injured girl from Palestine and lied that she was from Kashmir. On Saturday, Pakistan's ambassador to the UN, Dr Maleeha Lodhi, and show off the Palestinian girl's photo in the UNGA and said, dramatically: "This is the face of Indian democracy".

Paulomi Tripathi, secretary with India's permanent mission to the UN, held up 2 photographs, together. In one hand, she held a photograph of young, braveheart martyr Lieutenant Ummer Fayaz, who was killed in May by Pakistan-based terror group operatives in Kashmir. In the other hand, she held a picture of Pakistan's UN ambassador waving around the Palestinian woman's photo at the UN.

Usman also told at length about injuries sustained by Kashmiris after security forces used pellet guns.

Again without mentioning Pakistan lied about the photo, Usman said there are "thousands of" pictures of injured Kashmiris for everyone to see. He suspected that India was using "diversionary strategy" in bringing to the UNGA's attention that Pakistan lied about the photo.

"India's diversionary strategy will not change the situation on ground. It is the situation on ground that India has to reply for," said Usman.

Then, Usman said again that India was "raking up" the issue of the photo.

"Raking up debate on pictures has backfired. Your own people do not buy your argument," said Usman.

Turns out, it may be some Pakistanis who aren't buying the fake photo argument.

An editorial in Pakistan's The Express Tribune called the photo incident a "blunder" and said Pakistan should apologize

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