Pakistan's CubeSat Makes History with First Images of Sun and Moon from Lunar Orbit
Pakistan's CubeSat Makes History with First Images of Sun and Moon from Lunar Orbit

Pakistan's CubeSat, a tiny satellite, has made a groundbreaking move by capturing its initial snapshots of the sun and moon from the orbit around the moon. This CubeSat, which is a part of China's Chang'e-6 mission, separated from the main spacecraft while orbiting the far side of the moon. The historic moment occurred on May 8th at 16:14 (1:14 pm Pakistan time). To mark this achievement, a special event was held at the China National Space Agency (CNSA), where the pictures were displayed in the presence of Pakistan's ambassador to China, Khalil Hashmi. The project, a joint effort involving Islamabad's Institute of Space Technology (IST), China's Shanghai University (SJTU), and Pakistan's national space agency SUPARCO, marks a significant advancement in space exploration for Pakistan.

The CubeSat's successful transmission of images marks a significant step forward for Pakistan's space exploration endeavors. It demonstrates the country's growing capabilities in space technology and its collaboration with international partners. The CubeSat's ability to capture images of celestial bodies from lunar orbit opens up new avenues for scientific research and exploration. This achievement also highlights the importance of international cooperation in advancing space exploration, as it brings together expertise and resources from multiple countries to achieve common goals. Moreover, it serves as an inspiration for aspiring scientists and engineers in Pakistan, showcasing the possibilities and opportunities in the field of space exploration.

The iCUBE-Q mission is an example of international cooperation in space exploration. Riding aboard China's Chang'e-6 lunar probe, the Pakistani orbiter is part of a larger endeavor to collect and study samples from the far side of the Moon, a feat never before accomplished in human history.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) confirmed that the Chang'e-6 probe successfully performed a near-moon braking procedure, entering its planned orbit around the Moon.

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