'Papa stabbed mummy...', 5-year-old innocent told the police
'Papa stabbed mummy...', 5-year-old innocent told the police

Kishanganj: In a shocking incident, a man stabbed his wife in front of children in a family dispute in Kishanganj, Bihar. Then he attacked himself with a knife with the intention of committing suicide. Hearing the screams, people nearby rushed to his house. The seriously injured husband and wife were taken to the hospital. Where the wife died due to treatment. However, the husband, who is in critical condition, has been referred to Siliguri.

The police have registered a case against six people, including the husband, on the complaint of the deceased's brother. The body of the deceased has been sent for post-mortem. The report of which is awaited. According to the news, Dhiraj Paswan had a fight with his wife Kavitri Devi over something late on Sunday night. The dispute escalated so much that Dheeraj angrily attacked his wife Kavitri with a knife. Then he stabbed himself too. Both children were also present there at that time. Hearing the screams, people nearby rushed to his house. Both the injured persons were immediately taken to a nearby hospital. Where Kavitri died during the treatment. At the same time, considering the serious condition of Dheeraj, doctors have referred him to Siliguri.

The brother of the deceased said, ''My sister Kavitri was married 10 years ago to Dheeraj Paswan, a resident of Dharamganj. She also has four children. Dheeraj, his parents and his brother often demanded dowry from my sister Kavitri. They used to beat up Kavitri for dowry. She was being tortured for more than a few days. We do not have that much money, so we tried many times to convince her in-laws. But they were adamant on their stubbornness. They just wanted dowry. Because of this, brother-in-law killed my sister.'' On the other hand, the 5-year-old daughter of the deceased told the police that it was the father who stabbed the mother in front of us. Then stabbed himself too. I and my siblings were there at that time. At present, the police have registered a case and started investigation. Further action will be taken after the post-mortem report of the deceased is received.

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