Parents protest in front of Chameli Devi Public School for full disclosure of school exp
Parents protest in front of Chameli Devi Public School for full disclosure of school exp

Frustrated by the negligent behavior of Chameli Devi Public School located on Kesar Bagh Road, Indore, parents protested in front of the school, demanding full disclosure of school expenses on Tuesday. However, parents were forcefully removed from the premises by cops after try to facilitate discussion between school management and parents.

Last week, parents assembled and sat on an indefinite strike in front of the school. With an assurance of resolution from the school, parents had broken the strike and agreed to meet this week. However, school authorities did not have a resolution and attempted to console them by putting forward their demands to the management. Parents asked the school management to disclose the actual expenses of the school this year. They demanded to set an proper fee, paying off expenditures for the year citing financial struggles faced by parents due to lockdown and COVID-19 outspread. Parents urged the school authoriteis to discuss the fee related issues openly with parents. Parents announced an indefinite strike till the school principal or owner met them. Parents demanded school management to bring transparency in their system and discuss fee related matters.

Parent coordinator Vinod Srivastava cited guidelines from the school education department, governance rules and CBSE accreditation rules quoting that schools are not businesses run for earning profits. he said - Schools are to be run as public service, hence charging a high fee for earning huge profits is not suitable especially in such troubled times. He added that parents are willing to comply with the court's judgment and are ready to pay tuition fees. However, proper determination of tuition fees for online studies is also mandatory, which is about 25 percent of the regular fees charged,  he added. With Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) activists joining the protest, school and police forcefully removed parents from school premises.

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