PENTAGON 6th Debut Anniversary: All about their Discography
PENTAGON 6th Debut Anniversary: All about their Discography

A boy band called PENTAGON was created in 2016 as a result of CUBE Entertainment's survival competition, "Pentagon Maker." They were picked as the group's members based on a combination of their five abilities: singing or rapping, dancing, talent, intelligence, and teamwork. E'Dawn left the group in 2018, leaving the original lineup to consist of Jinho, Hui, Hongseok, E'Dawn, Shinwon, Yeo One, Yan An, Yuto, Kino, and Wooseok.

An in-depth look at the discography: 

PENTAGON has always been brimming with brilliance; all you have to do is watch one of their performances from "Road to Kingdom" to understand what we mean. Their breakthrough came with the title single of their sixth mini-album, "Shine," which gained popularity after the promotion period ended, leading the agency to extend it. However, despite being a powerhouse of incredible releases, the group has subsequently had minimal notoriety. Some of our favorites are included below.

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"Your words were as lovely as a flower, and I remember the hue you had," the song starts. VIOLET, A soft whisper signals the start of the song. It continues to depict the one-sided love between smart boys who have feelings for the same girl, Violet. In the music video, the hue is sarcastically represented by a gift box, a cardigan, a flower, and many other items that serve to remind the male of his love for the girl who appears to have run away. The lyrically dense song beautifully expresses longing and anguish.

Spring Snow: Prepare to jump around with this playing; it begins with an electric guitar strumming. PENTAGON remembers a time in the past when the winter months were festive and active. Through this song, they hope to relive their experiences. However, a new version of the song performed during "Road to Kingdom" needs to be mentioned since it was somber enough to cause unrelenting sobs from the audience as they sent their eldest member—who became the first to serve—off to the military.

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Humph!: Do you long for the days of your school years, when everyone was petty, cute, and prone to moodiness? Then, as they get older, board this ride with PENTAGON. Children's games are mentioned as they argue and forbid activities as the song progresses with a lot of aegyo. It is a song that will stick in your head for a very long time, thanks to the amazing work of GIRIBOY.

Any PENTAGON fan would understand, Daisy, that this song has a particular place in the group's heart. UNIVERSE and the boy group sobbed delayed tears of joy and relief after winning their first music competition. The song builds slowly until breaking down at its climax. It's a pretty well-made song that showcases their intense feelings once more through devastating lyrics.

DO OR NOT: The music video follows the males as they lust after the same female, who appears to be sending them conflicting signals. They now appear to be losing interest in the girl as a result of the push-pull, heated, and chilly emotions that were flowing between them. The song has well portrayed the muddled feelings that are frequently misunderstood.

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Feeling Like: The group's leader Hui and the youngest member Wooseok once again produced a dance number for their most recent comeback. It was another well-liked song, with groovy beats and the boy group sporting a much more mature appearance. The song has entertaining choreography to go with it, and it expresses the feelings between two individuals that want one another but are not as open or forthright about it.

It is a shame for world music that PENTAGON keeps pushing forward with excellent releases while the reviewers consistently fail to acknowledge their prowess in creating high-caliber music. They also have the impression of undiscovered diamonds that do not require external validation to shine. 

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