People using this Facebook app will get real money
People using this Facebook app will get real money

Facebook, the world's largest social media site, has now launched an app that will pay its users. People will have to share their information with Facebook in exchange for money, though this is not the first time. Earlier, Facebook had launched two similar apps. But both apps were closed after questions and criticism about users' privacy.

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Facebook has named the new app 'Study' which can be downloaded for free from the Google Play Store, although it is not yet clear whether the app will be launched for IS. This app will monitor the activities of the users. For example, through this app, Facebook will find out which other apps you use and what apps you do. Facebook will also know how much time you spend on which app. that will help the company to collect data

For your information, Facebook has said that the app will not collect information about a user's account and password. The app will also periodically inform the user that your data is being collected. However, Facebook has not revealed how much money the company will pay to people through this app. Last year, Facebook's market research app 'Research' was shut down following a complaint claiming that children are using the app the most and do not follow Apple's guidelines. Another Tracking App on Facebook, Onavo Protect, was also discontinued due to privacy.

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