New Delhi: Union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has hit back at the statement of former Congress President Rahul Gandhi. In a tweet, Rahul Gandhi accused the Modi government of making a profit even in the disaster. Reacting to this, Piyush Goyal wrote in a tweet "Only those who loot the country can call subsidy a profit. Railways invested more money in running labor trains than the amount taken from state governments. Now people are asking what happened to Soniaji's promise to give the ticket money? ''
On Saturday, Rahul Gandhi targeted PM Narendra Modi and the central government. Rahul Gandhi wrote in the tweet "There are 'clouds' of disease, people are in trouble, and you are benefitting by converting disaster into profit, anti-poor government" With this tweet, Rahul Gandhi has also shared news on Twitter. On this tweet of Rahul, Union Railway Minister and veteran leader of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Piyush Goyal has hit back.
Rahul Gandhi had tweeted on a report on Saturday that BJP is making a profit in the disaster. It has been reported that during the Corona crisis, Indian Railways has earned Rs 428 crore from Shramik Special Trains. Rahul Gandhi has binned the fares of trains run for migrant labourers during the lockdown. The opposition surrounded the government regarding the train fare. However, the government had said that 85 per cent of the fare is being paid by the central government.
देश को लूटने वाले ही सब्सिडी को मुनाफ़ा बता सकते है। रेलवे ने राज्य सरकारों से ली गयी राशि से कहीं अधिक पैसा श्रमिक ट्रेनों को चलाने में लगाया। अब लोग पूछ रहें हैं कि सोनिया जी के टिकट के पैसे देने के वादे का क्या हुआ?
— Piyush Goyal (@PiyushGoyal) July 25, 2020
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