A plant based diet - What is it and why is it worth the try!
A plant based diet - What is it and why is it worth the try!

A diet in which you consume plant sourced foods, i.e. an eating pattern in which you focus on food from plants. It includes vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, oils and seeds. An individual doesnā€™t have to be a non- vegetarian or vegan, it is just choosing more of the plant based foods. Basically, eating everything in its most natural form (not processed or minimally processed), while reducing meat and dairy over time. Here is a complete detail about a plant based diet that will give answers to all your questions -

The plant based diet is what all groups of people consume, but they avoid or include certain things to their diet. See how-

Vegetarian ā€“ Exclude fish and meat

Vegan ā€“ Do not eat any animal products, i.e. dairy, eggs, honey and meat

Flexitarian or a semi vegetarian ā€“ Consumes plant based food with eggs, dairy, seafood, including small amounts of meat

Pescatarian ā€“ Fish only, no meat

Mediterranean ā€“ Plant based foods along with animal products with meat less often

Why should you opt for a plant based diet?

The Mediterranean and vegetarian diets are considered to be very healthy. The former lowers the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart diseases and certain types of cancers. While a vegetarian diet is known to increase longevity, reduces the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and developing coronary heart disease.

Similarly, a plant based diet is potentially beneficial in ā€“

Reduces inflammation

Animal products contain saturated fatty acids in higher levels which triggers inflammation in the body. With a plant based diet, lower levels of the inflammatory marker interleukin-6. And in comparison to the omnivores, a vegan diet follows with lower levels of inflammatory marker -C reactive protein. Lower inflammation ultimately lowers the risk of development of chronic diseases.

Prevention of diabetes

Research shows that plant based food makes you less risk prone to Type 2 diabetes. Another one says that a meat free or low meat diet lowers the risk of developing diabetes. Those eating meat have 7.6% prevalence of type 2 diabetes which is really high compared to a vegan.

Improved digestive health

A plant based diet has plenty of fiber. There is a healthy and improved bowel movement.

Good heart health

Plant based diets contain low levels of cholesterol. Vegetarians and pescatarians have lower rates of heart disease than people eating meat. Consuming the right type and quality of food is important here.

Gut microbiome

Eating variety of plants promotes the growth of microbial species beneficial for the gut. This reduces inflammation and improves the immune system and digestive health. Plants provide prebiotics and polyphenols which serve as food for the good gut bugs. Not having these leads to development of chronic health conditions.

Moreover, the plant based diet is more sustainable and less expensive for the pocket. It has also help people lose weight and keep it off for long. Many types of cancer like breast cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer are at lower risk to those having a balanced plant based diet.

Now you know the benefits. Below is a guide on what to eat, what to avoid and the in-betweens.

What do you eat in a plant based diet?

Again, you can be any of the above mentioned, but primarily you have to eat-

Vegetables (can be any, but mostly like spinach, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, bell peppers, etc.)

Fruits (mainly avocado, peaches, apples, kiwi fruit, strawberries, blueberries, oranges)

Legumes (chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, peas and fava beans)

Whole grains (like brown rice, quinoa, barley, oats)

Nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, macadamia, pecans)

Seeds (chia, pumpkin, hemp, flex, sunflower)

Plant based proteins (hemp, soybean, tofu)

Spices and herbs (such as oregano, basil, turmeric, black pepper, rosemary)

Plant oils like olive oil and unsweetened plant based milk like oat milk, almond milk and soy milk replaces the regular oils and milk.

Along with these, you can try out little moderation once in a while -

Meat, Seafood, eggs, dairy products like fresh yoghurt, cheese, dark chocolate, condiments such as mustard, soy sauce and salsa.

Foods to avoid and limit

Refined grains (such as white pasta, bagels, white rice and white bread)

Processed animal and vegan foods (bacon, sausage, vegan butter, vegan burger)

Junk food (French fries, burgers, hot dogs)

Added sugar and sweets (cookies, pastries, donuts, soda, juice, candy)

Packaged food (chips, wafers, cereal bars)

How to shift to a plant based diet?

Prefer the greens, eat plenty of veggies

Make a healthy choice, choose good fats

Take smaller portion of meat, that too less often

Include salads with your meals

Have whole grains in your breakfast

Skip sweets and sugar, have fruits instead

Plan varied meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner

Cook yourself to stay involved and enjoy eating

You can try out a plant based diet. But make sure that it is well balance and nutritious. When you will focus on fruits, nuts, wholegrains, vegetables and healthy oils, you will notice the health benefits. Nutritional adequacy decides how beneficial is the diet for you. Donā€™t you think that a plant based diet cannot be tasty or wholesome, remember itā€™s more than simply leaves and salads.

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