Pocket-Friendly Protein Powder: Home-Made Healthy Recipe for Body Building
Pocket-Friendly Protein Powder: Home-Made Healthy Recipe for Body Building

These days due to the increase of Jim culture trend of having protein is increasing. However, Protein powders are very expensive and an excess of these powders may affect your health. One of the best ways to have protein without affecting your health and pocket is to make protein powder at home.   It bring nutritious value. Since protein is necessary for many bodily processes, protein powder generally makes a great supplement to our diet. Protein benefits our health in many different ways, whether it is through weight loss, bone health, immunity, or improving energy and metabolism. So have a look on this easy recipe of Protein Powder.


·          Almonds

·         Sunflower seeds, 3 Tablespoon

·         Raisins 3 tablespoon

·         Pistachios ½ cups

·         Sesame seeds 3 tablespoon

·         Cardamom 1/2 teaspoon

·         1/2 cup walnuts

·         3 tablespoon melon seeds

·         3 tablespoon dried figs

·         1/2 cup cashews

·         1 teaspoon fennel seeds

·         1 tablespoon ghee


Step By Step recipe

Take a pan and add ghee to it. Add the pistachios, peanuts, and almonds once the ghee has warmed up and roast them for some time.

Chop the anjeer and remove the dates' seeds.

 Grind the roasted almonds, peanuts, pistachios, dates, anjeer, and seeds should be placed in a blender.

Add fennel seeds, 1/4 cup of cardamom powder, and a pinch of saffron and blend it again.

And let it dry while keeping it on a tray. Put the protein powder in a glass container once it has dried.  Your Home made protein powder is ready.

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