Police Suddenly Enter Google CEO's Office, Arrest Several People.
Police Suddenly Enter Google CEO's Office, Arrest Several People.

On Tuesday, Google employees were arrested. They were protesting at the company's offices in New York and California and were subsequently arrested. Protesters allege that the company is collaborating with the Israeli government. Nine people have been detained, according to a spokesperson for the demonstrators.

In fact, there is an ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. In such circumstances, is it right for tech companies to provide technology to one side of the conflict? Jen Chung, spokesperson for the protesters, stated that nine people have been arrested from both offices. A protester recorded a video and shared it. The video shows the police entering Google's office in New York and asking the protesters to remain calm, then instructing them to leave the office. When the protesters did not comply with the police instructions, they were arrested.

A Google spokesperson stated that action will be taken against employees who protest against the company's policy. Furthermore, those employees who engage in physical altercations with other employees will face action from the company. On Tuesday, protesters entered offices in New York and California. Subsequently, they began protesting against the company and demanded that Google retract its $1.2 billion contract with Israel, which it has entered into in collaboration with Amazon. Amazon is providing cloud services and data services to the Israeli government.

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