Poor performance, app freezes and what not! Know these things before installing iOS 18 beta version
Poor performance, app freezes and what not! Know these things before installing iOS 18 beta version

During its highly anticipated Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) 2024, Apple has unveiled the latest iOS 18 update. This update has become a hot topic of discussion among users. The developer version of iOS 18 has already been rolled out. While users are excited about this update, there are concerns emerging about potential issues after downloading the beta version onto your iPhone.

Exciting Features in iOS 18

In this new update, iOS 18, Apple introduces several significant features aimed at resolving user concerns such as privacy issues, slow charging problems, and password management. If you are considering installing the beta version of iOS 18 on your phone, it is essential to read this beforehand.

Apps May Crash

Apple users are eager to experience the new version, but the latest update could potentially cause problems. Users may experience app crashes when downloading the latest version. Additionally, freezing of apps could also be an issue. Furthermore, using the latest version may also lead to performance issues on your iPhone.

Waiting for Apple Intelligence Features

Apple users have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Apple Intelligence features. According to the company, it may take a few more weeks for this feature to be introduced. This means that Apple users may have to wait a little longer. It should be noted that the latest iOS 18 version is filled with lags and bugs, which may continue to cause crashing issues with the beta version.

Multiple Beta Versions for Users

To minimize problems on iPhones, Apple will introduce multiple beta versions before releasing the final iOS. According to reports, Apple may present this version with its new iPhone lineup expected later this year. These beta versions are expected to be more stable and better than the current one.

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