Pope Francis on 2024 Election: Who Will U.S. Catholics Consider the Lesser Evil?
Pope Francis on 2024 Election: Who Will U.S. Catholics Consider the Lesser Evil?

Pope Francis recently advised U.S. Catholic voters to choose the "lesser evil" between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming presidential election. During a press conference aboard his plane after a 12-day tour of Southeast Asia and Oceania, the pope addressed the moral dilemmas surrounding the election, without endorsing either candidate. He urged voters to reflect on their consciences, saying, "You must choose the lesser evil. Who is the lesser evil; that lady, or that gentleman? I don't know. Everyone must think carefully and make their own decision."

The pope expressed his disapproval of both candidates’ policies. He criticized Harris for her stance on abortion, especially her support for codifying Roe v. Wade. "Abortion is an assassination," Pope Francis said, urging for clarity on the matter without any exceptions. "On these issues, we must speak clearly. No 'but' or 'however'."

At the same time, he condemned Trump’s proposed immigration policies, particularly his plan for what has been described as the largest mass deportation in U.S. history. "Not welcoming migrants is a sin. It is grave," said the pope.

Pope Francis acknowledged the difficult choices Catholic voters face, stressing that both abortion and harsh immigration policies are fundamentally anti-life. "Whether it is someone chasing away migrants or another who kills children, both actions are against life," he said.

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