Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day: Effective ways to reduce infant loss cases
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day: Effective ways to reduce infant loss cases

The loss of pregnancy and newborn or infant child these days is a very serious problem. Due to change in lifestyle patterns and various other conditions these types of cases are increasing. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day (PAILRD) is an annual remembrance day that is observed in the United States and Canada on October 15

Becoming a parent and bringing a new life with your partner is a feeling that is subliminal and incomparable to any other in this world. A newborn changes people's lives in innumerable ways with its arrival and along with the change comes lots and lots of perks of becoming a parent. These little ones are the centre of the lives of their parents and the mere thought of any harm coming their way is enough to shake the people around them. While every parent wants their child to always be protected and thriving, unfortunately, sometimes because of health issues, absence of medical facilities to remember and decrease such issues the day is celebrated.

The day was established in 2002 in order to honor, celebrate, and remember babies who have passed away due to miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal death, and other causes of infant loss. It also celebrate to increase the effort to decrease such instances.

The movement was begun by Robyn Bear, Lisa Brown, and Tammy Novak who petitioned federal government to recognise the specific day on October 15th. Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day was eventually passed in the House of Representatives on September 28, 2006. Prior to this, President Ronald Reagan had designated the month of October as Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month.  On this day here are some ways to reduce the cases of  pregnancy and infant loss.

Say No to intoxicants: Consuming Alcohol and smoking during the pregnancy and at postpartum is harmful. Specially smoking is a major health risk. It increases your risk of many kinds of cancer, lung disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Women who smoke are more likely to experience infertility and/or have a miscarriage, stillborn baby,pretem delivery , or low birth weight infant.

Vaccination: Pregnant women should time to time vaccinate. Some women fear the Flu shot can cause miscarriage, study after study shows no increased risk of miscarriage after the flu shot. An inactivated influenza vaccine is recommended regardless of stage of pregnancy. After the baby born to follow  proper vaccination schedule is important for infant’s life.

Balanced Diet: Proper diet during and after pregnancy is very important. Eating a healthy diet isn't just a concern for women trying to lose weight. Research has found that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can lower your risk of pregnancy complications and losses.

Take care of Sleeping Baby: Many instances of infant loss occur due to accident when the baby sleeps. So When a baby sleeps in the same room as mom, studies show it lowers the risk of SIDS.  Take care of baby when he sleeps.

Proper Breastfeeding: Proper Breast Feeding your baby can lower the risk of SIDS by as much as 50%, though experts aren't sure. Skin-to-skin contact is important for your baby’s development. Avoid smoking and Alcohol if you feed your baby as the harmful substance transmit to infant.

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