Pregnant women keep these things in mind while applying makeup
Pregnant women keep these things in mind while applying makeup

Pregnancy is an extremely important time for women. During pregnancy, women need to pay special attention to physical and mental health besides their diet. During a woman's pregnancy, more makeup can also harm her and her child. In fact, the cosmetics used in makeup contain many types of chemicals.

Therefore, pregnant women should take special care while using cosmetics. We tell you what kind of cosmetics are those which can be used to damage pregnant women and their infant baby.

Shampoo: Doctors believe that women should use shampoo for the least during pregnancy. Artificial fragrances in cosmetics are used in shampoo. Apart from this, there is also sodium lauryl sulfate, which also has side effects. Due to excessive use of shampoo, the color of the skin may be black, itching in the skin and headache can be complained.

Lipsticks: Usually lipsticks are the beloved cosmetics of women. But many doctors advise women to avoid excessive use of lipsticks during pregnancy. Lead is found in lipsticks. This lead goes inside the body while taking a drink. Apart from mother, it can also damage the child born in the womb.

Avoid colored hair: It is known that there are a lot of artificial colors used in hairdressing products. According to doctors, there is a great risk of allergic reactions from these chemicals. Therefore, women should avoid hair dyeing during pregnancy.

Perfume and Deo: People usually use perfume and deo in their regular genre. But perfumes and deo contain 100 types of chemicals that can have a bad effect on your health. Especially for pregnant women, it can prove to be fatal. During pregnancy, there are many changes in the body of women. That is why it is very important that pregnant women must take an allergy test prior to the use of cosmetics.

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