Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Informs Royal Family About Miscarriage
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Informs Royal Family About Miscarriage

Meghan Markle revealed her suffering of a miscarriage earlier this summer. She just published an incredibly moving and powerful op-ed in The New York Times about suffering a miscarriage this summer. 

The Duchess of Sussex enclosed the events that unfolded on the day she and Prince Harry lost their second child in a piece for The New York Times. The piece was so heartbreaking where she revealed that she felt a sharp pain before she dropped to the ground, with Archie in her arms.  Soon after, she was taken to the hospital. She wrote, "I knew, as I clutched my firstborn child, that I was losing my second." Earlier this week when the world came to know about the incident it has been revealed that the royal family was informed of the miscarriage before the NYT article was published. Although the source didn't disclose when the couple informed the royal family, it has been revealed that Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, and Prince William were in the loop. The publication also added that the Queen, Charles, and William's offices have refused to comment on anything for now. 

Opposite the editorial page, Meghan described her and Harry's "unbearable grief" but promised the world that the couple would be okay.

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