The internet sensation and her one wink were all it took for Priya Prakash Varrier to become a star. Now recently, after three months, she continues to make more waves. While attending a wedding along with her Oru Adaar Love co-stars, Priya Prakash Varrier had a gala time dancing and singing to the hit songs.
The internet crush was seen having a blast while singing to 'Hawa Hawa'. Instead of singing beautifully, the to be actress could not stop grooving. She danced like nobody was there to watch her. Apart from this, the girl looked pretty in her peach saree. Many people don't know that apart from her acting and expression skills she is also a brilliant singer.
If you are a Priya Prakash fan then you must be knowing that her Instagram page is filled with her singing videos. She reminds us of a Disney princess in her latest photoshoot.
Priya Prakash Varrier became an instant sensation with an audio clip featuring her. The clip starred her and her co-star exchanging a romantic conversation. The video involved arching of eyebrows, winking and playing coy. That one wink became a topic of discussion for days. Her upcoming – Film Oru Adaar love is now popular in the market. According to bollywoodlife, the movie will release in Hindi as well considering her growing fan following all around.