PROS & CONS of Juice Cleanses !!!
PROS & CONS of Juice Cleanses !!!

During a juice fast or cleanse, a person limits their diet to only fresh vegetable and fruit juices and water for anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The fast focuses on freshly made, unpasteurized juice

The idea of Going on a juice cleanse, or drinking nothing but pressed juices extracted from fruits and vegetables for a few days or weeks sounds good. But Is juicing going to detox your insides until they sparkle, or will it decay your organs and your soul?

Firstly, you must take into consideration if juicing is going to detoxify your impurities or not. It has its pros and cons


-It’s an easy way to add servings of vegetables and fruits to your diet. The latest dietary guidelines recommend five to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables a day

-We get more health benefits from fruits and veggies in juice form.

-It is guaranteed that you will lose weight. Cleanse fanatics claim that this diet is great for weight loss.

-Juice cleanse diet makes you feel more energized, boost your immune system, strengthens your bones, makes your skin glow and reduces risk of illness and diseases.


-The effects of a juice cleanse could make you lose out on other nutrients. You don’t get the necessary carbs. your body needs some carbohydrates to function.

-When you’re on a juice cleanse, you're not eating a diet that contains all the nutrients found in a balanced diet. We need proteins, fats and carbs for healthy nails, skin and hair.

-The juices that you drink will not contain much in the form of protein, healthy fat, or fibre. Your brain does not get enough fatty acids which results in you getting depressed and sad.

-Muscle mass decreases and you will not have much energy as you are also missing out on Omega-3 fatty acids

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