People on the streets of Iran against the government, many protesters killed in anti-govt demonstration
People on the streets of Iran against the government, many protesters killed in anti-govt demonstration

Baghdad: Two protesters died and several others were injured in a shootout after violent clashes between protesters and security forces on the streets against the government in Iraq's capital Baghdad. At the same time it is being said that the thing to note is that such demonstrations were closed for the last several weeks. Now this is the latest incident of anti-government protests. It has been learned that it has quoted activists and officials that Iraq's anti-riot force fired tear gas shells and also fired bombs that produced loud noises to disperse the protesters.

According to the information received from the sources, it has been learned that the officials said that the protesters were on the Sinaq bridge and they tried to break the cement wall. The wall was built by the security forces. Security forces used force in which two people died and at least 20 were injured during the demonstration. An official told on the condition of anonymity that the protesters are demanding major changes, new leadership and early elections.

For your information, let us tell you that it is noteworthy that after the death of Iran's top commander General Qasim Sulemani in the US drone attack outside Baghdad International Airport, tensions between Iran and the US increased significantly. Due to this, these demonstrations were stopped but after some time, the series of demonstrations has started again. In the past, protesters attacked the US embassy. After this attack, the US did an air strike. At the same time, when it was noticed, it was found that after Sulaimani's death, Iran had asked for revenge from America. Not only this, appealed to the countries of the region not to support America. At the same time, the American President had said that Iran should not do any such act, otherwise it will have to bear the brunt of it.

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