Pune train driver save life of labor walking on railway track
Pune train driver save life of labor walking on railway track

Pune: Incidents like Aurangabad in Maharashtra also happened in Pune. Here the lives of the workers running on the Uruli Kanchan railway track were saved by the understanding of the train driver. According to information received from the Central Railway, the driver of the goods train going to Pune was seen walking on the railway track near Uruli Kanchan station and some people were sitting.

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Seeing them on the track, the train driver's senses got shattered. He immediately started playing the freight train horn. Thankfully, the attention of the workers went to the horn and they came off the tracks. However, the driver of the goods train did not take any kind of risk and put emergency brake on the goods train. With a loud voice the wheels of the train derailed and the train finally stopped after going some distance. The workers were scared due to this incident, after the train stopped, the driver lost his life.

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The driver explained to the workers that they should not walk on the railway track under any circumstances. Hundreds of laborers are traveling on the railway track due to the closure of traffic in lockdown. Such a situation can prove to be very dangerous.

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