Punjab: Government will challenge court's decision on school fees
Punjab: Government will challenge court's decision on school fees

Amid lockdown and corona transition, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh on Friday announced that the Punjab government would appeal against the High Court's decision to allow private schools to collect fees from students for the time of lockdown. The Chief Minister also said that the schools will not be opened till the medical experts get the green signal.

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In his statement, he said that the health and safety of children is the most important. When asked about the protests by some parents in Patiala to open the school, the Captain said in a video conference that he would not compromise on the health of the children. He said, 'I will not open school until I get medical advice on this matter.'

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After charging the fees from the schools at the time of lockdown, the Chief Minister said that his government had taken the right decision not to charge any fees for the time that was not taught to private schools. He said, 'It is wrong to collect fees from parents when school is closed.' He said that a review petition will soon be put against the decision of the High Court on behalf of the state government. On the other hand, according to the Ministry of Health, the number of patients in India has increased to 2,36,657. Of these, 1,15,942 are active cases and 1,14,072 patients are cured and 6642 people have died.

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