Raj Thackeray says, "we will ban your movie too" to Salman Khan
Raj Thackeray says,

Salman Khan's statement in support of Pakistani artistes that, "they are artistes not terrorist, our govt give them visa to work." caught in major controversy and MNS Chief Raj Thackeray warned him.

Raj Thackeray said, "Jawans are fighting for us at borders. What'll happen if they decide to put down their weapons? Who'll guard the borders? Salman Khan? Bollywood? These artists should realise 'Nation first'. If they have so many problems, we will ban their movies too."

"It is nothing but business to them. Are we short of artists? They say art doesn't have boundary. When Tamil Nadu and Karnataka protest over Cauvery water, Tamil artistes came on the road including Rajnikanth. When they can stand for the rights of their states, why can't these artists stand for the country," he added further.

He also said to stand up together for nation, "In a country with 1.26 billion population, you can't find talent? You have to borrow it from Pakistan? Who are they? Do they have any respect in their own country."

Manisha Kayande, Shiv Sena leader told today that Salman Khan needs to be taught a lesson for his statement.
"If he has so much love for Pakistani artists, he should migrate there."

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