Rising tensions over Ukraine, Biden and Putin talk on the phone
Rising tensions over Ukraine, Biden and Putin talk on the phone

WASHINGTON – In the midst of rising tensions over Ukraine, US President Joe Biden spoke by phone with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

According to a statement released by White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on the phone call, Biden urged Russia to "de-escalate tensions with Ukraine" and stated that the US and its allies and partners will "act firmly if Russia further invades Ukraine."

According to the statement, the US President indicated support for diplomacy, which will begin early next year with the bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue at NATO's NATO-Russia Council and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"Substantive progress in these conversations can only occur in a context of de-escalation rather than escalation," Biden said in the statement. The phone discussion between Biden and Putin on Thursday was their second since December. The two leaders held a video call on December 7 that ended with a promise to resume diplomatic talks, according to reports.

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