Russian artillery and aircraft attack the US PMC base and local command centres in Ukraine
Russian artillery and aircraft attack the US PMC base and local command centres in Ukraine

Moscow: Thousands of foreign mercenaries traveled to Ukraine to fight alongside Kyiv's forces as part of Moscow's special military operation, according to Russia's Defense Ministry.

The Kremlin has repeatedly advised foreign states to bar their citizens from traveling to Russia, warning that they would not be granted standard combat status.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, its artillery and air force launched a series of attacks against Ukrainian command and control centers as well as a local base of a US private military company assisting Kyiv's military.

The hire base was that of Academy PMC, formerly known as the infamous Blackwater Company, according to the ministry. It was located in the Donetsk People's Republic, near the city of Krasatorsk (DPR).

The attacks also targeted the base of the Kraken Nationalist Battalion and Ukrainian missile strike coordination centers near Shurino, Nikolaev region. In the last 24 hours 47 Ukrainian artillery and 127 Ukrainian military and military equipment bases have been attacked.

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