Saif Ali Khan's take on Donald Trump
Saif Ali Khan's take on Donald Trump
Donald Trump overtook Barack Obama and became the 45th President of the United States. After he throned as the President of US tagged as POTUS Trump.
When Saif Ali Khan who is currently promoting his movie Rangoon was asked his views on Trump, he said, "I think America was angry, and they did the one thing they could do, which is vote. And they must have felt good for a few days but then have themselves been panicking that what have we done, I think. As a Muslim, I don't know... I think they just wanted a change. I don't think we can think of America as just New York and LA, I think there are all those people who don't have jobs, Middle America... And he's promised them that we'll make it happen again, our country and all this kind of stuff... Whether Islamophobia helps - I mean, the Nazis were against the Jews to develop a national identity against a shadow of themselves, which is the Jew. The Christian has done that historically with the Muslim. That's been done since the first Crusade, right? And it unified Europe, the first time it happened. Pope Gregory said to the Knights, let's stop fighting with each other and fight them, and liberate the Holy Land. Though there's no such thing as 'The Muslim', you just create this thing, people are individuals."
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