Nowadays sexual abuse in children is turning out to be a very common problem. Parents don't even get aware of the abuse, their children are facing. The accused person threatens our small ones and does all the sinful activities with them. But according to the experts, there are signs which convey that your child is a victim of abuse. Let's have a look at some of the signs.
Changes in behaviour or mood
Victims of sexual abuse often seem withdrawn. Parents should be careful if a child becomes aggressive or starts avoiding the company of other people. Other changes in behaviour include having difficulties sleeping or wetting the bed.
Avoiding the abuser
Parents should be careful if a child starts disliking a person he or she was fond of earlier. The child may even show symptoms of extreme fear in his company.
Sexually inappropriate behaviour
Often parents scold their child if he or she behaves in sexually inappropriate ways. Many times he starts using sexually explicit language. However, this might be a subtle sign that the child is a victim of sexual abuse.
Physical problems
Some victims often suffer from various health problems including soreness in the genital and anal areas, and sexually transmitted infections. Parents should be careful if they see bruises in unexposed parts of the child's body.
Problems at school
Sexually violated children undergo mental turmoil. It becomes very difficult for them to concentrate on their daily activities. As a result, they might develop learning difficulties or concentration lapse.
Giving clues
Sometimes children start dropping hints and clues that the abuse is happening without revealing it outright. Some victims are so confused and scared that they might think twice before approaching an adult for help.