Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Launches Awaam Pakistan: A New Political Era Begins
Shahid Khaqan Abbasi Launches Awaam Pakistan: A New Political Era Begins

ISLAMABAD: In a significant development on Pakistan's political stage, former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi has introduced a new political entity named Awaam Pakistan, marking a departure from his previous affiliation with the PML-N.

The new party, according to Abbasi, is focused on transforming the governance system of Pakistan, emphasizing the active participation of the public in decision-making processes.

Joined by prominent figures including former finance minister Miftah Ismail, Abbasi aims to tackle pressing national issues under the banner of Awaam Pakistan. The party's slogan, 'we will change the system,' reflects its ambitious agenda.

Abbasi disclosed that Awaam Pakistan has already garnered support from influential politicians across the country. Notable figures set to join include Sardar Mehtab Ahmed Khan Abbasi, Javed Abbasi, Syed Zaeem Hussain Qadri, Rana Zahid Tauseef, Zahid Binnouri, Sardar Anwar Soomro, Dr Zafar Mirza, and Sheikh Salahuddin.

The formal launch of Awaam Pakistan is scheduled for early July, signaling a pivotal moment in Pakistan's political landscape. Abbasi, who served as prime minister from August 2017 to May 2018, also announced his intention to contest future elections under his new party's banner.

This move by Abbasi comes amidst a broader trend of political realignment in Pakistan. Earlier, notable figures from PTI such as Jahangir Tareen and Pervez Khattak established their own parties, reflecting shifts and divergences within the political spectrum.

Awaam Pakistan aims to address critical national issues including inflation, corruption, and unemployment. With its official launch imminent, the party promises to introduce new dynamics to Pakistan's political narrative, positioning itself as a formidable player in the upcoming political contests.

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