Drinking masala tea can cause these serious harms
Drinking masala tea can cause these serious harms

In today's time, many people drink masala tea and consider its taste to be the best, although some of the ill effects of drinking it can also be seen. Yes, and today we are going to tell you about that. In fact, masala tea can be harmful for the stomach, heart, we will tell you about the harm of drinking it.

What is masala tea?- Masala tea is prepared with a variety of spices. In fact, masala tea contains cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, basil, black pepper, fennel, clove etc. Yes, and in all these spices, tea is boiled.  

Side effects of drinking masala tea

*  Consuming masala tea can cause stomach aches, diarrhoea, flatulence, burning sensation in the stomach.

*  Caffeine is also present in masala tea, it is not healthy for those who are suffering from stress and anxiety.

*  According to doctors, spices can be allergic to tea, if a person is allergic to other spices, then he should not want to consume it.

* In fact, if there are patients with high BP, then its consumption is fatal for them because doing it can increase bp.  

*  Even if you take the medicine, you do not want to consume it, consuming it can cause heartburn.

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