Single explosive device used in Kabul airport attack: United States
Single explosive device used in Kabul airport attack: United States

United States Department of Defense claims that a single explosive device was used in the August 2021 attack on the Kabul airport, which killed 183 people, including 13 American service personnel. The blast happened at the airport's Abbey Gate on August 26, 2021, as US service members worked to evacuate American citizens and Afghans following the Taliban's takeover of the nation.

The victims included 170 Afghan civilians and 11 Marines, a soldier, and a sailor from the United States. A total of 45 people were injured. The Islamic State (IS) terror group's Khorasan unit (IS-K), which has carried out many deadly bombs since the Taliban took power, claimed responsibility for the attack.

"The investigation found that single explosive device killed at least 170 Afghan innocent people and 13 US service members by explosively directing ball bearings through a packed crowd into our men and women at Abbey Gate," Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie, the commander of US Central Command, said on Thursday while trying to present the findings of an investigation into the attack.

"There was no solid proof that anyone was ever injured or killed by gunfire in either the United States or Afghanistan, according to the report." This conclusion was reached after careful consideration of over 100 witnesses' sworn testimony, particularly those witnesses and Observation Towers — both American and British — who were in locations unaffected by the explosion and had commanding views of the scene before, during, and after the explosive attack." "The latest data we had at the time indicated that it was a multifaceted attack by both a suicide bomber and IS-K gunmen," McKenzie continued. 

"We now know that the explosively discharged ball bearings cause wounds that resemble gunshot wounds, which when paired with a small number of warning shots led many to believe that a complex attack had taken place." "The fact that this research contradicts our initial opinion shows to me that the team approached this investigation with an open mind in quest of the truth," he continued.

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