Singles Day: 5 Benefits of being singles
Singles Day: 5 Benefits of being singles

Do you know there is a day called singles’ day celebrated in China on November 11. Unmarried people commemorate the occasion by treating themselves to gifts and presents, leading Singles' Day, or Double 11 as it's also known. The idea to celebrate the day originated at China's Nanjing University back in 1993 as a sort of anti-Valentine's Day. Singles’ Day has since spread to various other parts of the globe and now it is celebrated as all over the world.

Singles days called "Bachelor's Day," the celebration began among students at China's Nanjing University around 1993 as a sort of anti-Valentine's Day. As per information, it all started when four single male students of Nanjing University's Mingcaowuzhu dorm discussed how they could break away from the monotony of having no significant other and to encourage these people singles days celebrates.

Various people get sad about being single.  A lot of singers think it is a negative thing, but we don’t agree! Being single means that you can focus on yourself. They often say that you need to learn to love yourself before you can love anyone else, right?

Fewer expenses: Being in a relationship with a person also brings the relationship some financial responsibilities and some people are lives in a sad environment because of the poor finance. According to a study, Single people are less likely to have credit card debt, coming in at about 21%. On the other hand, 27% of married couples without children and 36% of had credit card debt. 

Better Health: Financial debt have a big impact on your health including your mental and physical health. It puts you at a higher risk for Heart attacks, strokes, and others. This also causes various mental health-related problems. Being single means you are the manager of your finance and you are the reason of your health and wealth.

Me time: The people these days in a relationship wants some privacy and me time. According to the study, you will realize that taking time for yourself will show you what is most important in your life. Enjoying your single time will make what you want clearer and reveal which areas of your life you should build upon.

Focused: Your priority change if you are single. They became more focused to their career.  Being single means you can’t settle. By embracing your time being single, you will be more able to pursue your goals and work towards a more complete, fulfilling future.

Proper Schedule: Your schedule is now completely your own. No longer do you need to have nights out approved, nor will long days at work get interrupted.  You can go out with your friend without any permission. You can talk to the opposite genders friends and you don’t need any other person’s permission.

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