Slipped Disc: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
Slipped Disc: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Recently, former Bihar Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav has been using a wheelchair due to a slipped disc problem. A slipped disc is a condition where the soft disc between the vertebrae in the spine bulges out or ruptures, putting pressure on the nerves and causing severe pain in the lower back and legs. In this article, we will discuss what a slipped disc is, its symptoms, causes, and prevention methods, so that you can avoid this problem and stay healthy.

What is a Slipped Disc?

A slipped disc is a condition where the soft disc between the vertebrae in the spine bulges out or ruptures, putting pressure on the nerves and causing severe pain in the lower back and legs. This disc acts as a cushion between the vertebrae, protecting them from shock. When it bulges out or ruptures, it puts pressure on the nerves, causing pain in the lower back, neck, and legs.

Symptoms of Slipped Disc:

- Lower back pain that persists and worsens with movement
- Pain in the legs that radiates from the lower back
- Numbness or tingling in the legs or arms
- Weakness in the muscles, making it difficult to lift or hold objects

Causes of Slipped Disc:

- Aging: As we age, the discs between the vertebrae become weaker and more prone to bulging out or rupturing.
- Lifting heavy weights: Lifting heavy weights incorrectly can put pressure on the discs, causing them to bulge out or rupture.
- Poor posture: Sitting or standing in a poor posture for a long time can put pressure on the discs, causing them to bulge out or rupture.
- Injury: A sudden injury, such as a fall or a car accident, can cause the discs to bulge out or rupture.

Prevention Methods:

- Maintain a good posture: Sit and stand in a good posture to avoid putting pressure on the discs.
- Control your weight: Maintain a healthy weight to avoid putting extra pressure on the discs.
- Lift weights correctly: Lift heavy weights correctly, bending at the knees and keeping the back straight.
- Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can strengthen the muscles in the lower back and abdomen, reducing the risk of a slipped disc.
- Take rest: Get enough rest and avoid strenuous activities to allow the body to recover.

Treatment Methods:

- Medicines: Take pain-relieving medicines as prescribed by a doctor to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Physiotherapy: Regular physiotherapy can strengthen the muscles and reduce pain.
- Heat and cold therapy: Apply heat and cold packs alternately to the affected area to reduce pain and inflammation.
- Surgery: In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to repair or remove the damaged disc.

In conclusion, a slipped disc is a common problem that can cause severe pain and discomfort. However, by maintaining a good posture, controlling weight, lifting weights correctly, exercising regularly, and taking rest, you can prevent this problem. If you are experiencing symptoms of a slipped disc, consult a doctor immediately for proper treatment.

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