Camel Can Drink 100 Liter of Water At A Time, Know other amazing facts
Camel Can Drink 100 Liter of Water At A Time, Know other amazing facts

Camels are mostly found in Rajasthan and are used for transportation in the desert. That's why camels are called the 'desert ship' who can walk comfortably in the desert. Today we're going to tell you something special about it that you won't even know. They also have some speciality. Let us know those special things.

- The area of the camel's body is very low so that water can be conserved.

-The legs of the camel are biangular and each leg is large to walk on the sand. Fingers have nails.

-The camel's diet reaches the gastric-fed room where it becomes soft and is called jugal. This jugal is brought back to the mouth where it is chewed again.

- The camel can survive for 20 days without drinking water and can drink more than 100 litres of water at a time if the camel is thirsty.

- Large hairs have a ripel around the camel's eyes and nosholes, which protects the eyes and nose from sand gusts.

- The camel drinks plenty of water before embarking on long desert voyages. Thus, the accumulation of food makes the camel's hump higher and solid. As the fat of the hump melts, the skin on top of the hump tumbies one side in the form of a shrunken sac.

- The height of the camel's shoulder is 6 feet. It weighs up to 1100 lbs.

- The female camel gives a baby 370 to 420 days after conception.

- Camel has a bizarre habit of biting teeth. 

-A strange thing about camels is that even if the body water content is reduced by 25 per cent, it doesn't matter, whereas in humans, if the water content is reduced by 12 per cent, the situation becomes alarming.

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