VIDEO: Unique way to treat marijuana addicted people
VIDEO: Unique way to treat marijuana addicted people

All the mothers around the world want their children to do something big in life. However, many times the children get out of hand and do something that increases the anger of the mother. Something similar happened in this story. In fact, at this time a video is going viral on social media in which a mother is seen putting red chilli powder in her son's eyes. According to the information received, the child became a victim of addiction and the mother did all this to save him from this addiction.



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You can see in this video that a boy is tied to a pole and a woman is asking for a promise by putting chilli powder in his eyes. Let me tell you all that this woman is no one else's than his own mother. Yes, and this video is from when a mother came to know that her 15-year-old son is getting addicted to ganja. Seeing her son getting addicted to ganja, the mother came up with a unique treatment. The mother tied the son to a pole and put chilli powder in his eyes and then did not open him until the boy had promised to give up the addiction.

In this video, we can see that the son is suffering from pain, but the mother did not show any mercy on him till he promised. Let you all also know that this incident is from Telangana. There is a lot of discussion about this mother on social media. Yes, and people are calling it the perfect way to get rid of marijuana addiction. Apart from this, there are many people who are also talking about the bad effect on the eyes of the child in this way. Let us tell you all that in the year 1985, in view of the serious impact of ganja on the brain, the NDPS (Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act was brought and it was banned.

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video source: dainikagniba

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