Marathi actress Sonali Kulkarni always wins everyone's heart with her performance. People like her very much. Now recently, through his Twitter account, she has wished artists a long life for Madhubani masks and bags. You can see Sonali recently tweeted and wrote in the tweet-I’m so happy to be using these gorgeous Madhubani masks & bags! May the art and artists live long."
I’m so happy to be using these gorgeous Madhubani masks & bags! May the art and artists live long
Contact ::
Bonhi Mukherjee
98193 99744
Sanju Rathi
Neeta Agarwal
9967464012#Isupportlocal #VocalForLocal
I’m so happy to be using these gorgeous Madhubani masks & bags! May the art and artists live long
Contact ::
Bonhi Mukherjee
98193 99744
Sanju Rathi
Neeta Agarwal
9967464012#Isupportlocal #VocalForLocal
He is also excited to use them. If you remember, in February, Sonali got engaged to Kunal Benodekar. At the same time, there were also reports that these days both work together and also cook food together. Apart from this, Sonali keeps sharing photos and videos of her food on Instagram, which her fans like very much.
By the way, she tried her hand at cooking. Actually, she made dosa and sambar which was his first attempt. He shared it in his Instagram story. During that time, he wrote a post, "First attempt". By the way, if we talk about work, Sonali Kulkarni is going to appear in new films soon.
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