Soon senior citizens will get a big gift, this policy is going to change
Soon senior citizens will get a big gift, this policy is going to change

Central employees are going to get great news. In fact, the central government has made up its mind and it is being told that the government is contemplating to increase the retirement age and pension amount of the employees. Let us tell you that many phases of meetings have also been held regarding this. At the same time, this proposal has been sent by the Economic Advisory Committee of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is being said that if this happens, then lakhs of employees will get direct benefit from it. In fact, the employees have been demanding for a long time to increase the age limit, which the government is going to fulfill.

At the same time, the PM's economic advisor says that with increasing the retirement age in the country, universal pension system should also be started. On the other hand Shivpujan Singh, chairman of the Central Senior Citizens Committee, said that, 'The demand for security of senior citizens has increased across the country. The government has also taken many steps regarding this, but even then there is a need for improvement. At the same time, according to the report of the committee, under this suggestion, a pension of at least two thousand rupees should be given to the employees every month.

It is being said that the government's effort is to ensure the best arrangements for the elderly. So that they do not face any kind of problem. In such a situation, it is being told that if the working age population is to increase, then for this the retirement age will have to be increased. Simultaneously, this can be done to reduce the pressure on the social security system. There is also news that skill development has been talked about for persons above 50 years of age. Recently, Shivpujan Singh says that the government can soon make a policy regarding this.

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