Giraffe sets unique record just two weeks of birth!
Giraffe sets unique record just two weeks of birth!

You must all know that giraffes are tall, big animals. At the same time of birth, a giraffe is as long as an adult person and by the age of four, its length increases completely. It weighs up to the age of seven or eight years. However, people are surprised to see a little giraffe recently. Actually, the length of this baby giraffe is 6 feet. By the way, male giraffes can weigh up to 1,930 kg and females can weigh up to 1,860 kg.

But a newborn giraffe at the Southwick Zoo in Mendon, Massachusetts, has surprised everyone just two weeks after birth. Yes, in fact, it's the zoo's latest attraction, and born only two weeks ago, Dolly, a female giraffe 6 feet long, weighs about 70 kilograms. Under the information received, he is the longest giraffe ever in giraffe species born in the history of the zoo. Also tell you all that so far, she is being fed with a bottle because her mother is not able to feed herself.

On the other hand, according to zoo vet Dr. Peter Braver, Dolly will soon be introduced to her mother. Tell you all that this giraffe is making headlines around the world for its size. Now that it is born, it has created a unique record because of its length.

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