Do You Know Stress Can Be Good for You
Do You Know Stress Can Be Good for You

Who can consider stress as good? It only hurts you, if you think the same, then let us tell you that it also has some benefits. Recent research in the US has revealed that stress effect and anxiety are beneficial to us. This will only happen if you are able to manage it. So let's know how it's beneficial for you.

what says research
In recent research in the US, psychologists have claimed that stress and anxiety can be beneficial for us if we are at a balanced level. Researchers believe that most people have stress only when they are on the last edge of their capacity. Your stress then motivates you to do better. If you can't handle it, it can give you negative results.

Stress of stress
Us psychologist and researcher Lisa Damore say that most Americans now start to stress by thinking about stress effects. By the time they reach a psychiatrist, they have increased the level of stress and anxiety so high that they tend to have a negative effect on their health. While this prepares us for new challenges by removing us from our comfort zone.

Advantages of Stress
Balanced and short-term stress builds healthy brain cells and enhances your reflexes. This increases mental abilities. It is helpful in the formation of Adricanillin in the brain, thereby increasing your energy levels to higher than normal. You are more energetic in this situation. It also protects our body from unwanted elements by activating our immune system.

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