Sudanese demonstrators seeking civilian control
Sudanese demonstrators seeking civilian control

Sudan: Thousands of demonstrators came to the streets in Khartoum, Sudan's capital, and other cities to demand civilian rule and for authorities to punish alleged protester murders during recent demonstrations.

Protesters gathered in Khartoum's main bus station, Sharwani, on Sunday and marched toward the Republican Palace, but security officers dispersed them with tear gas.

Sudanese security authorities stopped major roads in central Khartoum and stationed military reinforcements near the army headquarters and routes leading to the presidential palace. Despite the State's security committee's announcement on Saturday prohibiting meetings in central Khartoum over the weekend, the protests took place.

The UN Integrated Transitional Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) asked Sudanese authorities not to limit peaceful assembly or freedom of expression on the same day.

Sudan's capital, Khartoum, and other cities have been shaken by regular large protests seeking civilian rule for nearly two months, with scores of protestors murdered in clashes with police forces. Sudan has been in a political crisis since Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, the general commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces, announced a state of emergency and dissolved the Sovereign Council and government on October 25, 2021.

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