Surgeons get World's first robotic surgical system with a sense of touch!
Surgeons get World's first robotic surgical system with a sense of touch!

Melbourne: Researchers claim to have developed the world's first robotic surgical system that includes Indian-origin person as well. They believe that it can give surgeons the sense of touch while they conduct keyhole surgery using a computer.

The surgical robot is named as ‘HeroSurg’. This robot is a major breakthrough to the present technological word limiting robotic surgery to the sense of sight. With this advancement, the laparoscopic or keyhole/micro surgery will be safer and more precise than before as it will reduce trauma lowering risk of blood loss and infection.

This innovation was developed by engineers from Deakin University in Australia and Harvard University in the US having Suren Krishnan from the Royal Adelaide Hospital and an Honorary Professor at Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI) alongside with them.

According to Krishnan, HeroSurg's addition of the sense of touch, provided through technology known as haptic feedback, would lead to better patient outcomes."The major drawback of the current system is the lack of tactile feedback”.  

"Tactile feedback allows a surgeon to differentiate between tissues and to 'feel' delicate tissues weakened by infection or inflammation and dissect them more carefully. Tactile feedback will allow us to use finer and more delicate sutures in microsurgery," Krishnan further added.

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