New delhi, On thursday, Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs said that two Indian teachers T Gopalakrishna and C Balaramkishan, who were abducted in Libya last year, have been rescued.
In July 2015, a group in Libya which owes its allegiance to Islamic State kidnapped duo along with two other colleagues .
Gopalakrishna belongs to Andhra Pradesh while Balaramkishan is from Telangana. The other two, Laxmikant Ramakrishna 37 of Raichur and Mulbagil Vijay Kumar 56 of Bengaluru, were rescued just days after the kidnapping.
"All the victims worked in University of Sirte in northern Libya and were on their way back to India when they were kidnapped at a checkpoint about 50 km from Sirte. They were en-route to the Tripoli airport in a car," said reports.