Taliban in Afghanistan stop Pak army from fencing international border
Taliban in Afghanistan stop Pak army from fencing international border

Kabul: Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan interrupted the Pakistani military's construction of a security fence along the border between the two nations, Afghan officials said.

Despite protests from Kabul, Pakistan has fenced the majority of the 2,600-kilometer border, which has historically disputed the British-era demarcation that separates families and tribes on both sides. Taliban militants blocked the Pakistani military from installing a "illegal" border fence along the eastern province of Nangarhar on Sunday, according to Afghan Defense Ministry spokesman Enayatullah Khwarazmi.  He downplayed the situation, claiming that everything was back to normal now. A request for comment from the Pakistan army was not returned.

A video that went viral on social media showed Taliban militants seizing spools of barbed wire and a senior official urging Pakistani soldiers stationed in security posts across the border not to try to fence the border again. The footage could not be independently verified as per reports.

The incident is being investigated, according to Taliban spokesman Bilal Karimi. According to two Taliban officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, the Taliban and Pakistani forces met face to face over the border incident, and the scene was heated.  They said, cross-border mortar fire from Pakistani territory further north along the border into Afghanistan's Kunar province occurred on Wednesday as a result of the event.

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