Tamil VJ Anchor Anjana pens a painful note of her Covid experience
Tamil VJ Anchor Anjana pens a painful note of her Covid experience

Anjana, a well-known Tamil anchor and VJ who tested positive for Covid-19, has described the experience as the worst of her life. The well-known anchor, who has been on many tv networks, took to Instagram to express her feelings.

"This is the final selfie I took before testing positive for Covid," she claimed in her heartbreaking testimony. I've been unwell for 14 days now. These 14 days were mentally exhausting, much more so than the sickness itself. The first three days were a complete disaster. I had never experienced a fever, body pain, or fatigue like this before.

"But, with time, my health mproved. Every day, my health was becoming better and better. My mental health, on the other hand, was not in fantastic shape. With each passing day, I became extremely depressed, bored, and bored out of my mind.

"Despite the fact that it was time for me to relax, all I could think about was the idea that I would remain like this for the next two weeks. I tried drawing, watching movies, shows, and whatever else I could think of to keep myself occupied, but nothing worked.

"I was with my most lonesome, unable to see, speak with, or touch anyone, especially my baby. I realised I was losing my mind. I was so frustrated that I couldn't talk to anyone. My husband was so busy with cooking, dealing with work at home, caring for R, and working outside that he had little time or energy to communicate to me.

"Despite the fact that I should have been grateful and appreciative for everything he was doing, I had become frustrated. I used to whine about not having enough time for myself. I had all the time in the world now, but I couldn't seem to enjoy any of it. Life is like that! My heart was outside while I was inside.

"I am not able to put into words how I felt. Beginning of the year, all the work plans I had came to a standstill. Already strained, relationships became even more strained, couldn't reach out to people to tell them how I feel, longest time without my baby.

"With just a couple of clothes to wear, no energy to even make myself look decent enough for myself. No mood to keep myself active, I have been at my worst for the last 14 days. It will take days for me to rebuild myself, to look and feel confident. "I was dreading this and dodged Covid for two years being extremely careful and safe, but it finally got me, catching me at my worst. This was personally the worst time of my life.

"For people who think it cannot be that bad, I must say, more than sickness, it's your mental health that is tested and your personal situation decides how badly you get affected.

"Pain is personal. Though it might take some time for me to bounce back. Hoping to come back better and stronger.Thanks for all the love and prayers. I owe you all so much for being there for me through my roughest times and celebrating my best time!"

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